Has Role based email notifications be included in RTC

One answer

This is not available out of the box in RTC so far (4.0.4) as far as I can tell.
One Idea RTC supports is to subscribe to RSS feeds. This way you can get information about new work items without filling up your mail box.
It is possible to create custom implementations for this kind of behavior. The Mail Notification Code is actually readable in the RTC SDK, so it would be possible to use the code to implement this kind of capability.
Another approach might be a customization as described here: http://jorgediazblog.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/rtc-custom-scheduled-async-task-example-explained/
One Idea RTC supports is to subscribe to RSS feeds. This way you can get information about new work items without filling up your mail box.
It is possible to create custom implementations for this kind of behavior. The Mail Notification Code is actually readable in the RTC SDK, so it would be possible to use the code to implement this kind of capability.
Another approach might be a customization as described here: http://jorgediazblog.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/rtc-custom-scheduled-async-task-example-explained/