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How to get UUID of a change set in Eclipse or RTC shell?

James Cheung (671116) | asked Nov 05 '13, 2:00 a.m.
 Hi all,
Need your help here.

I would like to have a lscm script to check out a file of a changeset in AIX. The changeset is created in Eclipse. How can I get the UUID or changeset alias from Eclipse? All I can find is the changeset comment or the associated workitem.

Thanks a lot!

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James Cheung (671116) | answered Nov 05 '13, 2:22 a.m.
I googled for a few hours and couldn't find the answer. 
After posting this question, I found the answer here ;)

It is possible to get the UUID of the changeset from the eclipse client, which can be used in the CLI and can be shared with other users. If you right-click on a change set and choose "Copy URL." the UUID is embedded in the URL: 

This UUID can be pasted into a CLI command in any place where an ID is used. 
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 05 '13, 2:31 a.m.

Another place where these numbers show up is the Eclipse client. If you open the properties of a file select the Jazz Source Control section scroll way down and expand the Show UUID's section, you see all the UUID's I am not sure which is which though.

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