How to configure TAM/Webseal junctions in order to have CLM 4.0.1 working?
Finished prereqs:
- imported the signer certificate to webseal
- exported WAS ltpa key
- configured groups
We have configured following junctions with default webseal instance config:
server task default-webseald-sm create -x -c iv_user -f -t ssl -b ignore -h -p 9443 -A -F "/ltpa.key" -Z passxxx -2 /jts
server task default-webseald-sm create -x -c iv_user -f -t ssl -b ignore -h -p 9443 -A -F "/ltpa.key" -Z passxxx -2 /rm
server task default-webseald-sm create -x -c iv_user -f -t ssl -b ignore -h -p 9443 -A -F "/ltpa.key" -Z passxxx -2 /qm
server task default-webseald-sm create -x -c iv_user -f -t ssl -b ignore -h -p 9443 -A -F "/ltpa.key" -Z passxxx -2 /ccm
server task default-webseald-sm create -x -c iv_user -f -t ssl -b ignore -h -p 9443 -A -F "/ltpa.key" -Z passxxx -2 /admin
acl attach /WebSEAL/sm-default/jts wasadmins
acl attach /WebSEAL/sm-default/rm wasadmins
acl attach /WebSEAL/sm-default/qm wasadmins
acl attach /WebSEAL/sm-default/ccm wasadmins
acl attach /WebSEAL/sm-default/admin wasadmins
Where wasadmins is the group with users that are part of the valid Jazz groups.
Some junctions not working properly:
/admin and not able to create developer project only directly on junctioned server.
Working junctions: /jts
CRJCA0056E An error occurred while processing an OAuth challenge. No OAuth consumer is configured