A general question on RTC Snapshots
We are coming from a different version control which handles configuration management slightly different. So with that in mind, if I have a snapshot of a configuration and after testing that I realize that a few files caused the the configuration to break, is there a way in RTC to move the snapshot to an earlier version of a few selected files or is best practices to take another snapshot?
Accepted answer
Snapshot content is immutable. You can change the name and the description after the fact, but not the included baselines.
Thanks Jeff, so in this case you would just have to create another snapshot to deal with the new configuration?
Yes - you don't really have any option other than creating a new snapshot. In a former job I had a similar problem: we needed to extract, make & deliver a few changes, then build. We ended up with essentially two snapshots for every build, whereas with our old SCM system (CMVC) a user with the proper authority could modify the level (roughly analogous to a snapshot) in flight.
1 vote
Snapshots are very lightweight objects in RTC, so there's no reason to "re-use" them ... just create new ones when needed.