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Temporarly disabling email notifications

Amir Bar-or (1513026) | asked Feb 20 '09, 10:06 a.m.
I am working on a new project plan , creating new workitems , assigning etc , but I don't want those notifications to be sent to my team members until the plan is ready how can I do it?

Also , can I restrict access to the project area for certain team members until the plan is ready?

3 answers

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Kristen Balhoff (56) | answered Feb 20 '09, 2:38 p.m.
One suggestion is to disable email notification for the entire server,
though it is not the best solution and requires that you have JazzAdmins
access to the server.

To disable email notification, update the "Enable E-Mail Notification"
property to false on this page:

Kristen Balhoff
Jazz Server Team

abaror wrote:
I am working on a new project plan , creating new workitems ,
assigning etc , but I don't want those notifications to be sent to my
team members until the plan is ready how can I do it?

Also , can I restrict access to the project area for certain team
members until the plan is ready?

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Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Feb 20 '09, 2:54 p.m.
I can't do it , don't have the permissions and there are other projects on that server for different departments...

It should be quite often when a manager is preparing a plan and doesn't want to reveal it until it is ready... I can't believe jazz missed it , it is so good and complete...

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Feb 24 '09, 2:18 a.m.
abaror wrote:
It should be quite often when a manager is preparing a plan and
doesn't want to reveal it until it is ready...

But even if e-mail notifications were suppressed, the work in progress
would still be visible in the event log and through work item queries.

I guess I don't see the point of keeping a plan secret for a while. I
would think that a manager would like input from the team members
throughout the planning stage.

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