Work item history part
Both actions are not logged in the history of the work item.
How can I find this information later on?
This might turn critical for us, if we say the delivery is tracked via work item. Then of course we are interested in the history of the work item, that somebody unlinked the change set later on…
Thank you.
Accepted answer
But change set links are considered a special case, and you can set a "follow-up action" "Work Item Audit Trail for Change Set Links" follow-up action (for the Source_Control -> Save_Change_Set_Links_and_Comments action) in your project area indicating that you want a "comment" added to the work item object whenever a change set is added/removed, so you can see the addition/removal of change set links in the comment history of the work item.
One other answer
Hi Ralph,
thanks for this. Unfortunately nobody seems to be responsible for this request as this work item is still open since Oct 22, 2009.
I think this "feature" is really needed.
Please put in a RFE or support the request and raise its impact.
Hi Ralph,
thanks. RFE is now open and waiting for progress: RFE41863
Have you tried Geoff's solution?
Hi Ralph,
Geoffs solution is just for Change set Links to work items but it would be really important to get this for all links, e.g. parent / child, etc.
Next is that some projects in our company have more than 100 change sets on one work item - this would burst the discussion on this. Even when there are 20 change sets it's very confusing
I don't think there is a way of extending RTC to get that capability. I assume you will have to wait and see how the RFE goes.