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SCM command and work items

I am using the scm command line tool to manage my project/workspace.
I learned that you can associate a work item to a change set using: "scm changet associte" command.
The problem I am facing is that I can't find a way to list or create work items using scm. Is there another command or way to manage the work items?
Accepted answer

I am not aware that work items can be created with the SCM command Line.
You can use the Plain Java Client Libraries to write a mall java application to create work items. This link provides you with example code: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ProgrammaticWorkItemCreation

Thanks for your reply. I though so. I will look into the programmatic mean of creating work items.

Just one thought, the SCM command can be extended e.g. to create work items too. There is a Wiki topic around creating new commands.
Another way would be to extend the build system toolkit. E.g. following http://ryehle.wordpress.com/2011/12/21/adding-a-custom-ant-task-to-your-build-toolkit/.
I would however use a Plain Java Client Library application. It could be put into the build component, automatically downloaded with the build and executed within the build. If you check in the library jars needed to run it, you have an automated deployment on the expense of the load time...

Here is a simple RTC Work Item Commandline.

It is possible to get the Work Item used to checkin a file?
$ /tmp/RTC/jazz/scmtools/eclipse/scm show history -r $uri -u $un -P $pwd-w $WS --component icdp_core_as "$pre/$eachfile"
Change sets:
(1108) ----$ John Smith "GCI and RiskRating changes for SBULOC" 06-Mar-2015 03:17 AM
(1109) ----$ A Json"Maturity Date saving changes" 05-Mar-2015 12:24 AM
(1110) ----$ Roy Nahi "SBULOC Tsys Ownership" 25-Feb-2015 02:55 AM
History only give the comment and author..

Hi Ralph,

The product RTC SCM command line only supports work items in the context of SCM commands. What can be done can be found in the documentation: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC/clm_family_welcome.html .
The example RTC Work Item Commandline could provide query results, or you can code up your own solution if you like.