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Create a snapshot on Repository Workspace

Rakesh Dama (15313) | asked Sep 22 '17, 7:43 p.m.

 Hi Techies,

I am able to create a snapshot on repository workspace loaded freshly, using below commands.
lscm login -c -r $Repository-url -u $username -P $password 
lscm create snapshot -n $snapshotname -r $Repository-url $RepositoryWorkspace
lscm deliver -r $Repository-url -s $RepositoryWorkspace -u $username -P $password  -i

But, I want to create snapshot on repository workspace for every successful build. But, aftre the build I will be having the new files created in sandbox which are causing snapshot creation failure on repository workspace.
Starting - Snapshot Creation...
Problem running 'create snapshot':
Could not create snapshot
There are unchecked-in changes that may be overwritten.

Please let me know that How could I ignore the unchecked-in changes, during snapshot creation.

R Dama

One answer

permanent link
Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Oct 05 '17, 6:23 a.m.

This will be addressed in the ongoing 6.0.5 release. The workitem number is

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