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Design Management installed with CLM that uses IHS and a distributed topology

Allison Lynch (611) | asked Oct 22 '13, 2:43 p.m.
Hi All,
We have been trying to install and configure RSADM with a CLM server that is already installed and has IBM HTTP Server.  The CLM applications ( RRC, RTC, RQM, JTS) are distributed.  We have not had any luck successfully registering the dm and vvc applications in jts setup.  I have looked in the product documentation as well as the articles on DM and this forum and cannot verify if this even supported for DM.  
Has anyone had a successful deployment of DM into a distributed topology that uses IHS?
We can successfully deploy DM into a CLM server that does not use IHS.


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Thomas Mattsson (1763) | answered Oct 24 '13, 2:36 a.m.
Hi Allison,

RSA DM supports being behind an IHS in a distributed topology. What kind of errors are you getting when trying to register in JTS setup?

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