RTC 4.0.4 zOS dependency build - why does "starting ant build" task take almost 7 minutes?
I have an RTC 4.0.4 bfagent running on zOS 1.13 and when I execute a dependency build for a component with only two small programs, or a dependency build via a subset ID for one program, or a promote component the "starting ant build" activity consistently takes almost 7 minutes. What needs to change to significantly improve that?
This is really a big problem - should I open a PMR?
This is really a big problem - should I open a PMR?
One answer
Yes, I think you'll need to open a PMR. We really need to see the ccm log and the build agent logs, if available, to understand what's going on.
Does the build ever actually continue? The curious part is that all of the tasks that are running prior to "starting ant build" are running on the server side. The beginning of the ant build is the point at which control is passed to the build system. Is the build machine under heavy load? Is it possible that there is still a communications problem between the build machine and the Team Server?
The build completes successfully - whether it is a subset ID build or not but each one takes 7 minutes in that activity. Also promotes of a single work item take between 5 and 6 minutes in that activity - but they finish successfully. For packages - they consistently take 6 plus minutes in the "transferring work item shop list file" activity for the unsuccessful package runs and 6+ minutes in the "transfer restore mapping file" activity for a successful package run. BTW I will be opening up another forum question related to package by work item which is not working.