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SCLM archdefs equivalent in RTC?

Fons Maathuis (25417) | asked May 08 '18, 3:46 a.m.
edited May 08 '18, 3:37 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)


I'm busy migrating code from SCLM to RTC. In SCLM we did use archdefs (architecture definitions) to be able to link certain items together to get a loadmodule. We did also use archdefs to include 'standard-code' in sources. As a little example, in our SDL (screen definition language) sources we do have a piece of standard-code to include all standard-function keys. This standard-code and the source-code are put together using an archdef. 
We could try an include statement in the source-code, but we don't want to change the code in the migrationprocess.
Is there a simple solution to be able to use something like an archdef in RTC?

thanx in advance


Accepted answer

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Liam Doherty (2312) | answered Oct 30 '18, 4:54 a.m.

Hi Fons, SCLMs use of ARCHDEFs was very specific for SCLM. RTC uses the standard MVS way of binder control. So for LEC ARCHDEFS you would need to convert them to link decks that the binder can interpret. CC ARCHDEFs for example that specify different OBJ output libraries, would have to be interpreted and conditional processing put into RTC translators. PARM or PARMx keywords in SCLM would need to be made into file metadata that can be attached to a file in RTC. So RTC does not have a single type of ARCHDEF processor. I am looking at creating a tool to parse the SCLM information and try and generate this information that can be imported into RTC in some manner. But I am not there yet. SCLM's ARCHDEF processing is fairly complex. 

Fons Maathuis selected this answer as the correct answer

Fons Maathuis commented Oct 30 '18, 6:13 a.m.

Hi Liam,

Curious about your tool. At this moment we did find a way to work around. But some kind of import from archdefs into RTC would be welcome.

2 other answers

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Liam Doherty (2312) | answered Nov 05 '19, 8:41 p.m.
Hi Fons, just an update. I am working on an SCLM to RTC or Git/DBB migration tool. I have code now that converts the SCLM ARCHDEFs into link-edit deck that can then be used in RTC or DBB. Let me know if you need any more information.



Fons Maathuis commented Nov 06 '19, 4:19 a.m.

Hi Liam,

I did convert the archdefs I needed by hand. Not the most efficient, but do-able. For migrating sources from SCLM to RTC we've made a REXX that copies (FTP) the members to a W10 environment. The REXX interprets the language used in SCLM and converts this to an extension on W10. In RTC this extension triggers a language for the build proces. 
The REXX also has a possiblity to change the codepage as we do have two variants. 
If you do have a working tool to migrate, I would still be interested. 



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Liam Doherty (2312) | answered Nov 06 '19, 7:59 p.m.
Hi Fons

So the execs are being shipped with RTC v7.0 that GAs on 13th December. You can also get them if you have Rocket Git installed on your z/OS system by cloning this public Git project -

The execs are common between RTC and Git migrations as the intermediate step for Git is actually RTC definitions.

However, if you send me an to I can send you a zip file containing the RTC specific parts.



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