SCLM archdefs equivalent in RTC?
Accepted answer
Hi Fons, SCLMs use of ARCHDEFs was very specific for SCLM. RTC uses the standard MVS way of binder control. So for LEC ARCHDEFS you would need to convert them to link decks that the binder can interpret. CC ARCHDEFs for example that specify different OBJ output libraries, would have to be interpreted and conditional processing put into RTC translators. PARM or PARMx keywords in SCLM would need to be made into file metadata that can be attached to a file in RTC. So RTC does not have a single type of ARCHDEF processor. I am looking at creating a tool to parse the SCLM information and try and generate this information that can be imported into RTC in some manner. But I am not there yet. SCLM's ARCHDEF processing is fairly complex.
2 other answers
Hi Liam,