Build Forge Slow GUI with many steps

Our Rational Build Forge installation has very slow performance in the project edition screen on the Web GUI.
A project or library with more than 12 steps starts to become too slow when trying to add a new step, save or edit a existing step. When we select a step to edit from the steps list, it can take from 40 segs to 80 segs or more to display the details in the lower panel and it gets worse if the project has more steps. The save, delete and clone operations have the same problem.
Other GUI funcionality works fine, the project list, environments, selectors etc. have good performance while editing or adding new elements. The execution of a project also works fine no matter the number of steps in the project.
We also tried with the Build Forge Java API, and all the querys for steps are really fast, it seems this performance issue is only related to the web gui.
We are working with Build-Forge and Oracle Database 11g.
We are not sure if it is related to some misconfiguration in the System properties for Build-Forge.
Do you have any advice to solve our performance problem with the GUI?
Thanks in advance