Error while requesting build on IBM i dependency build
Hi all,
I have defined IBM i dependency build definition and requested a build results in error but created a load directory in IBM i with few xml files(except buildreports.xml).I'm using rational build agent to communicate with IBM i from RTC.
Error log:
* /bin/sh[13]: /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk71/64bit/bin/java: not found.
EXEC end "/home/"
EXEC spawning shell "/bin/sh"
SCRIPT if [ ! -f /QIBM/ProdData/RTC604/Build/jazz/buildsystem/buildtoolkit/*.jar ]; then
SCRIPT echo RTC EE Ant library is not found. You may be using an old build toolkit prior to version 4.
SCRIPT exit 1
These are the two errors i'm getting.What is the output of build and how it will be i'm bit confused with this.Thanks in advance
Arumugaraj swamynathan
Jul 27 '17, 1:00 a.m.i'm using build toolkit version 6.0.4 .If RTC EE ant library is needed how can i get it and install it..Guide me please