How to use requestPackage Ant script to request the package in RTC by using it in post build script of zOS Dependency build?
Am trying to request the package through ant script after the zOS dependency build is completed by giving it (requestPackage.xml) as post-build script. During the build process the post build script is taken but during the execution it loading the class file from the Parent folder and build shows success but the package is not started.
Sample script am using the post-build script.
<taskdef name="requestPackage" classname="" />
<requestPackage buildDefinitionId="PackageDef1" repositoryAddress="" userId="RELENG" passwordFile="/u/RELENG/private/rtcPasswordFile.txt" resultUUIDProperty="rtc.buildResultUUID" packageType="workitem" packageWorkItems="1;2;3" packageImpacted="true" />
Matthew Hardin
May 20 '19, 4:39 p.m.I am attempting exactly this. But to expand on the question, I need to create the package from the work items that are included in the build subset. So where packageWorkItems-"1;2;3" in the example, is it possible to reference this a property from the build subset?