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domains for RSA 9.0

ross jones (492631) | asked Oct 09 '13, 7:01 p.m.
which domains need to be install in DM in order to successfully link/upload models from RSA 9.0?

One answer

permanent link
W Diu (58026) | answered Oct 10 '13, 10:25 a.m.
If you are planning to upload using the import function, please leave the radio button as "Managed externally using import definition" when creating your new project area.

Alternatively, if you are planning to upload by actually creating models on the server using RSA 9, you would need to choose the "Actively managed with Design Manager" radio button and click the "Associate..." link to add the relevant domains.  The relevant domains start with "Rational Software Architect," but the exact domain depends on the model you are trying to import (e.g. "Rational Software Architect BPMN Domain" for a BPMN model or "Rational Software Architect UML Domain" for a UML model).

To add links to models from external servers, you don't need to explicitly add any domains.

ross jones commented Oct 10 '13, 11:15 a.m.

thanks for your reply.........when I follow your instructions and select "actively managed....", I am not offered the RSA domain, I am offered several Rhapsody domains, simulink, process, documentation and several others, but Not RSA.......what could be the cause of this??

W Diu commented Oct 10 '13, 11:24 a.m.

You need to also install the Rational Software Architect extension when installing the server.  It appears you only installed the Rhapsody extension.

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