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Deploy a profile for Rational Rhapsody

Pablo Yamamoto (111) | asked Jul 23 '12, 9:28 a.m.
I see examples and questions answered regarding uploading an own created rhapsody profile for the imported model, so that it stereotypes and so on are made available. 

but everything I found is based on Rational Software Architect (RSA) and not Rational Rhapsody and I can not follow whole tutorial. 

are there clear instructions for Rational Rhapsody?

I have found f.e. this:

thanks in advance.

One answer

permanent link
David Hirsch (1162) | answered Mar 06 '13, 4:31 a.m.
You can find here some additional information about DM and Domains specific:

Domain Creation Viewlet

Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0 Storyboard

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