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Real-world examples, tutorials, and best practices

Russell Wright (1114) | asked Sep 12 '07, 7:40 a.m.
Our team has recently begun using Jazz to manage a project with a team of about five people. We've studied the Jazz documentation and Eclipse Way documentation, so we have a reasonable understanding of the concepts for both. However, to better understand how best to use Jazz and the Eclipse Way we would like to see some concrete real-world examples, tutorials, templates, and best practices documentation. Can you tell me where I can find this type of information? Thanks.

12 answers

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Sep 12 '07, 11:48 a.m.
This is a beta, and so you're not going to find a bevy of tutorials and such. Your best bet is to just play with the tool and search through the forums.

Also, IMHO just posting 6 questions in a row is not good form. I'm not a Jazz developer, but posts like that make it seem like you didn't spend a lot of time actually _using_ the beta before asking the questions.

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Russell Wright (1114) | answered Sep 12 '07, 12:00 p.m.
Our team has been experimenting quite a bit with Jazz and we composed a list of detailed questions that we submitted directly to the Jazz team. Their response said we should post our questions to the Jazz forum, so that's what I did. I don't appreciate you suggesting that our team has not made an effort to experiment and learn to use Jazz. We're very excited about using it to manage our projects and we expected a kinder and more useful response.

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Sep 12 '07, 12:19 p.m.
Well, it was "In My Honest Opinion" and doesn't reflect the position of the people developing Jazz / Team Concert. I was just trying to help you get a response, and knowing that there are not a ton of people answering questions here, described a strategy that at least _I_ would use in asking questions. Err, I guess I just described a strategy I would not recommending using.

Here's my strategy: I go here to ask question and get answers, and try to help others when I can (I am only a user and have no direct contact with the developers). When I see someone ask a ton of questions in a row, I form an opinion, which may be incorrect. This is a forum, not a help desk.

But then again, other people might have better answers, and if they do, it's gravy for everyone.

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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered Sep 12 '07, 1:50 p.m.
Russell, can you give some more details of what you are looking for? "concrete real-world examples, tutorials, templates, and best practices documentation" is a bit vague.

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Russell Wright (1114) | answered Sep 12 '07, 2:21 p.m.
Aaron, basically what we're looking for is project management and development examples that simulate projects that might occur in a real development environment. For example, a real-world example might show how a team who develops and maintains a storefront and its back end uses Jazz to manage their project in an agile way. How they define their team and its processes and enforce those requirements, how they use process iterations and iterations plans, managing the work items, and tying that into the source code control system. A complete example like this could be provided in a tutorial format or some other type of example and include a complete project that could be imported into a Jazz environment for easy hands-on study.

The types of templates that might be helpful would be ones that pertain to some set of common customer use cases. If such uses cases haven't been identified, our team is willing to work with the Jazz team to define some use cases that we would be interested in seeing.

Regarding best practices documentation we'd like to see recommendations about how to use different components of Jazz in ideal ways. Jazz is quite a well-equipped toolbox, but as with any toolbox a new user is more likely to build a shack than a mansion. Best practices documentation would let the new user act as more of an apprentice to learn from the experiences of the masters so that they don't have to make the same mistakes that have occurred before and already are recognized and how to avoid them.

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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered Sep 12 '07, 3:36 p.m.
Last week I attended the Jazz Jumpstart training and we had a simple example that we worked from. Right now the best real world example that I know of is Jazz itself. If you can get access to via the RTC Client, you can see how they develop, build, and manage the code.

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Les Jones (12631) | answered Sep 13 '07, 1:12 p.m.
I'd agree with Russell on this, that having examples of good practice would be very useful. Ideally, these would be in the tool, but if easier, could be a dev works article.

Is it possible that this could be raised as a feature request for the 1.0 TC release?

On the subject of what scenario to use, although the Jazz team are certainly living and breathing the tool, building the Jazz framework and TC/IDE components isn't as much of a typical business example as many would like. These real world scenarios come from us, the customers, so I guess a good way to do this would be to try to actively capture and report on any successes and failures we have out 'in the field' and for someone in the Jazz team to pull these together into a coherent example/tutorial to package into the tool.

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Sep 13 '07, 2:35 p.m.
I also agree. It would be very helpful if these things were available. While there are no downloadable demo's available right now, there are certainly examples that you can follow to build a working, functioning RTC repository. The first one I set up was the "Prelude" project in the tutorial ( This gave me a much greater appreciation for the tool, and also a much greater understanding for what the tool is capable of. I would strongly recommend this tutorial to anyone new to RTC. I hope this helps,

- Ben

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Bhadri Madapusi (181271) | answered Sep 13 '07, 2:42 p.m.
Since Jazz team is using Team Concert for their development, probably Jazz team can post some articles on how they came with their process, team areas, development lines etc...

Actually the jazz work items may give some clues on how Jazz team has organised themselves around Team Concert. My few cents ...

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Bill Higgins (24611) | answered Sep 15 '07, 5:22 a.m.
Hi Russell,

Thanks much for your question. Though documentation necessarily lags functionality (since you can't doc what doesn't exist) we understand that:

1) Documentation is very important for users and extenders to succeed with Team Concert, and
2) The current documentation situation is not good

First, a process comment - we're managing our work on documentation just as we'd manage any other functional work - via the work item tracking system. I'd suggest that as you identify the sort of user assistance information you need, simply open up a new work item request, using the 'User Assistance' category. Your input will be considered as we prioritize doc work and you'll be able to monitor progress against your requests.

I'd also suggest that you use the Work Item web UI to create a new saved query related to the 'User Assistance' category, so that you can see what work is currently in the queue and of course feel free to subscribe or comment on any work item you like.

Regarding each of the concrete documentation needs you mention (real-world examples, best practices, etc.), I'd suggest that you create a new Enhancement with the 'User Assistance' category. Seth Packham is leading our UA work and will see your enhancements during his normal triage of new work items.

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