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RQM Command Line Execution

Anjaly Bastian (1168) | asked Oct 08 '13, 1:51 a.m.
edited Oct 08 '13, 1:56 a.m.
While running TestCases in RQM using ANT I am getting an exception, can any body help me with a solution for this exception.

Attempting to create SSL_TLS context
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:40 AM logInfo
INFO: Successfully created an HTTP client
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:41 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector isRedirectNeeded
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:41 AM logInfo
INFO: Connection to RQM Server is established
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:43 AM logInfo
INFO: Procesing input parameters for TestSuite Execution
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:43 AM logInfo
INFO: Starting execution
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:46 AM logError
SEVERE: Exception occurred while doing a post to the server with the URL:https://<Server>:9443/qm/service/ Please verify that the adapter being used is running and the values for parameters tserId, suiteStepScriptIds, suiteStepAdapterIds are valid and exist.
Oct 8, 2013 11:08:46 AM logInfo
INFO: Internal Error occurred. See log for more details
     [echo] UNKNOWN
Thanking you

Anjaly Bastian commented Oct 08 '13, 1:58 a.m.

Please find ant task for this command line execution.

  <taskdef name="executeTestSuiteExecRecord"                                    classname="" />
<executeTestSuiteExecRecord userId="G102749" password="Alm@1234" rqmServerUrl="https://<Server>:9443/qm"
 projectName="SimpleBanking (Quality Management)"
testSuiteExecRecordId="449" suiteStepScriptIds="396,402,401"
suiteStepAdapterIds="2,2,2" arguments="-exitOnComplete=true" />

Anjaly Bastian commented Oct 08 '13, 2:06 a.m.

This is the exception I am getting while trying to access the link manually

CRJAZ1175I Unable to get method info from service call.

Neeru Tester commented Oct 17 '13, 10:08 p.m.

 Hi Anjaly,

I'm very new to RFT,RQM and ANT,Jazz CLM.

My requirement :
i want to import test results of RFT into Jazz CLM .

i need automation script using RFT or using ANT tool ,build.xml.

for Ex :
I have stored test results in C:\program files\RFT\workspace\testResults\TR.PDF
Note : the complete RFT setup is in Local Machine.
the file " TR.PDF " wants to export into Jazz server. 
is it possible ? if YES, could you give an automation script. ASAP.

Thanking you,

One answer

permanent link
Ajay Chebbi (3113) | answered Oct 08 '13, 2:10 a.m.
@anjaly is Adapter with ID 2 running? (also make sure the ID of the intended adapter is indeed 2)

Anjaly Bastian commented Oct 08 '13, 2:13 a.m.

Yes, Adapter 2 is up and running.

Anjaly Bastian commented Oct 08 '13, 2:13 a.m.

I am able to execute testcase from RQM manually using this adapter.

Ajay Chebbi commented Oct 08 '13, 2:29 a.m.

are you able to execute the suite (TSER) manually?

Anjaly Bastian commented Oct 08 '13, 2:34 a.m.

yes, I am able to

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