RTC and SVN Integration

One answer

Hello Balaji,
I found the following parent topic for integrating Rational Team Concert and Subversion:
Please let us know if this link helps you with the information you are looking for.
Larina Vera
(Documentation team)

Thanks Larina,
Is it possible any OSLC Adapter support to RTC and SVN integration.
Balaji Rajagopalan

The SVN support mentioned above in not OSLC based and, to my knowledge, there isn't any existing OSLC support for SVN.

There is not yet an OSLC protocol defined for the SCM domain, so a client cannot talk to SVN via an OSLC protocol.

Hi Geoffrey,
Thanks for your information
Can you please explain list of software require to integrate RTC and SVN?
Is there any Adapter support to RTC and SVN integration?
Balaji Rajagopalan

The only integration with SVN that I am aware of is the SVN importer, which is described in the on-line help link provided by Larina. This doesn't provide linking between SVN and RTC artifacts, but rather imports the SVN version information into the RTC SCM system.