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Issue with Team Absences report

suresh ramayanam (156) | asked Sep 24 '13, 10:03 a.m.
When I use the Team_Absences.rptdesign template (in order to have a global RTC report) from the following page

and when I run the report, I get the following error message:

"Missing Required Parameter: Contributor".

Do you know why? Is it a problem of RTC version? Any other idea?

Thanks for your helpful help,

5 answers

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Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Sep 24 '13, 1:06 p.m.
Hi Suresh,

Checked the timestamp on the report, it shows 2010.
Looks like this is an outdated report and possibly not compatible with the Data Model with current versions.
You can try importing the report into Birt Designer and use it as a template to create you own report.


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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Apr 11 '14, 9:27 a.m.
I deployed this template in RTC v4.0.6 and it worked just fine. It requires parameters to be set such as Contributor and Team Area.

vishnudharan manivannan commented May 29 '14, 5:44 a.m.

Hi Rosa,

I am using v4.0.5. After importing the template the parameter boxes for Contributor and Team area seems to be empty.

I don't see an option to choose any values. Any thoughts ?

Vishnu M 

varun ibm commented Jun 04 '14, 9:42 a.m. | edited Jun 04 '14, 9:43 a.m.

Hi Rosa,

can you please explain how to set the contributor and team area parameters ?

Thanks in advance!


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Stefan Riedmüller (47136) | answered Jun 27 '14, 8:42 a.m.
Hi Rosa,

today i try to deploy this report on a RTC 5.0 Server. But i get the same problem like vishnudharan manivannan.
I can´t set the parameters because the seems to be empty. I try this report also on the JKE Banking Project Area. In this Area the report works fine. But in the Team Area you have only the choise between Team Gernal Development and Team Release-Development. The Team GUI is missing. I compare the configuration of these teams but i cant find any differences.

Have you any idea to fix this problem.

Thank you..

Rosa Naranjo commented Nov 20 '14, 1:23 p.m.

I have a theory that I have not been able to confirm. It may have to do with the roles assigned to the members of the team areas that are not showing up.  For example, team areas with just users with a stakeholder role do not show up.

Please look and see what roles the members in your team have.

Robin Bater commented Nov 21 '14, 1:05 p.m.

Still investigating but I have noticed that when I use this report that the team area parameter only seems to have those teams areas listed that have associated work items.

So there is some combination of data that needs to defined e.g. team areas, roles, members and work items, before the parameter will list the team area.

What this exact list is still TBD but it would be interesting to know if others see the same thing and confirm that the team area list only shows teams which have assigned work items.

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siba guha (2664) | answered Apr 19 '16, 6:36 a.m.
I have tried in RTC 5.0. Define Categories in the project area & associate Teams to respective categories.
Create atleast one work item for each team area (Filed Against -> Team x) & owner from Team x.
Run Data collection jobs again. Now in the report, the team areas & contributors get populated

siba guha commented Apr 19 '16, 7:05 a.m.

In continuation to above, you may create a dummy team with all team members & associate them with a dummy category. Create a work item, assigned to the dummy team. Works with Roles not assigned in the team area.

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Fabian Lomeli (1013) | answered Aug 20 '21, 9:26 a.m.

Seems the report is working correctly. I could add the report resource to a fresh scrum-template-based project area and saw both Team and Contributor parameters lists displayed with no value. That was because:

Team: In order to a team area is displayed in this parameter, there should exist at least one work item assigned to a category associated to a team area.

Contributor: As soon as there is a team area listed in Team parameter, all members of that team area will be displayed in the Contributor parameter.

Once both are done, DCC jobs need to index data to the DW db and info being displayed in this report.

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