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WMB/IIB source code in RTC

Partha Baidya (1111) | asked Mar 29 '17, 10:50 a.m.
retagged Mar 31 '17, 11:43 a.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

 I am new to RTC source control and using RTC to maintain source code for IBM Integration Bus aka WebSphere Message Broker. 

Right now I am working on to create an Ant script for IIBv10 Automatic build & deployment. In IIB every component is a eclipse project. So we have multiple projects within a single Component in a single stream. While building the deployable zip file I do not need to download all the project but only specific projects for RTC server.   


I am able to copy/checkout all the projects from RTC using load scm command but not able to copy/checkout specific project from RTC. 

load - r repository.url  -u userid -P password -d local.workspace remote workspace 

Could anybody with RTC experience help me?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 29 '17, 8:05 p.m.

According to the "scm load" on-line documentation ( ), if you want to load the project located at the path "foo/bar" in the component named mycomp, you just add "mycomp/foo/bar" as an argument to the load command, e.g.:
load - r repository.url  -u userid -P password -d local.workspace my-workspace mycomp/foo/bar

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