when starting the command line adaptor on seperate boxes with the same user name why does it fails to show the two machines in the adaptor console?
I have installed the Command Line Adaptor (RQM- CLA) on two separate machines. When I start up the first adaptor it shows correctly in the RQM Adaptor Console. When I start the second adaptor on a separate machine, using the same user name, but a different adaptor name; I return to the console to see the first adaptor entry name has been replaced by the second adaptor name (the machine column may or may not update with the machine name matching the adaptor name).
Is there a setting I'm missing that allows the same user id to connect and create two separate adaptors from two separate machines?
One answer
Thanks for your reply. I was able to resolve the problem using the overlooked parameter -adapter.
Previously I was just using -adapterName along with the connection parameters, by adding; -adapter <userid>+<machine_id> that created a unique connection for that user from that machine.
Version RQM/CLA - 6.0.2
Don Yang
Apr 27 '17, 2:11 a.m.how did you specify adapter name? with -adapterName?
if you specify -adapter xx (this is unique id) for each adapter, do you see them appear?
if you use separate user name, would you see two separate adapter?
what is your qm/CLA version?