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BuildForge "Connection to agent timed out"

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Sep 14 '13, 4:07 p.m.
edited Sep 14 '13, 4:08 p.m.
I am getting this error while zipping a large folder (300M) with Winzip. It's times out after 5 minutes. I did:
1. Add a environment variable in the project _TIMEOUT=600. I can see this taking effect when I start the project.
2. Change the Administration --> System values as follows:
3. Restarted the BF mgmt console, all agents.

But I am still getting this error. My BF are at version Do you need to upgrade?

377	09/14/13 03:50PM	EXEC	Running..."c:\Program Files\Winzip\winzip32.exe" -min -a -r -p D:\Build\ *
378	09/14/13 03:56PM	ERROR	Connection to agent timed out.

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Joshua Keefe (1011) | answered Sep 24 '13, 2:50 p.m.
You may need to upgrade, as there were a few defects associated with that version of Build Forge.

How long does the Winzip command run on its own?
We can only assume it's over 5 minutes at this point.

What you may want to try to to place the Winzip command in a wrapper that produces an echo of some kind.

ie: echo "Still running..."
As long as the bfagent provides some type of direct feedback to the console, you should be able to avoid the agent timeout error.

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