Fetch all RTC Defects for one project area filtering by status with OSLC / Rest API ?
Accepted answer
Have you looked at the Reportable Rest API? https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsRESTAPI#workitem
thank a lot, this was the hint I needed to get!
I've solved it this way now:
https://server/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[type/id=com.ibm.team.workitem.workItemType.defect and state/id!=com.ibm.team.workitem.defectWorkflow.state.done and projectArea/name="ourProjName"]/(id|type/name|state/name|state/id|summary)
2 other answers
There are a number of ways:
1. Create a EWM stored query and getting the results using a URL such as https://jazz.net/jazz/oslc/queries/{queryId}/rtc_cm:results.
2. Use an OSLC query
3. Create a JRS query with Report Builder and access the results using either the LQE SPARQL endpoint: https://{host}:{port}/lqe/sparql or the LQE datasrouce URL available from the Export as Microsoft Excel page.
4. Use the EWM reportable REST API.
I find the EWM stored query approach very easy and convenient. But I also use OSLC query and JRS report datasource URLs a lot too depending on what I'm trying to query.