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Why is changing the owner for a SRC under a particular stream, it also change at the components level?(Source Control)

Daniel W (131710) | asked Aug 14 '13, 8:50 a.m.
edited Aug 14 '13, 8:57 a.m.
We have 3 main stream setup. Development, Release and Production.
Each developer also has their workspace locally in their machines.
I created a new dev stream by duplicating the "Development", then I change the owner of one of the SRC to one of the developers.
10 minutes later(he probably did refresh, it should be immediate), no one can see that SRC anymore, no one can upload their code.
At the components level, that SRC is gone.

So I had to have the developer change the owner of it back to me, then I changed it back to the original owner. Everything is back to normal.

Any idea why this happened?

3 answers

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Te-Hsin Shih (2854) | answered Aug 15 '13, 4:19 p.m.
I assume the SRC component. In that case, when you set the owner of a component to a individual developer, you give the sole control of the component to that developer and, by default, only the user who owns the component have the read access to that component. There is a way to change the read access for a component, however, it would be easier to make the component owned by a team or project and manage the users who want to access the component using team or project members.

Daniel W commented Aug 15 '13, 4:41 p.m. | edited Aug 16 '13, 11:49 a.m.

 The thing is that I didn't go to the component menu to change owner. I went under the new stream I duplicated, and changed owner there. Would I also affect the component level? I guess it did, otherwise, i wouldn't have this issue. But I just don't understand why. What if, I want to only change the owner of a SRC under a particular stream, not at the component level. What would I do?

Daniel W commented Aug 16 '13, 3:25 p.m. | edited Aug 17 '13, 12:28 a.m.

Thanks Simon.
But here is what I did.
We have a development stream, and production stream.
Someone wanted another stream based off the dev stream.
So I duplicated the dev stream.

And changed the owner to a member of a team showing the below two screenshot(cut out the privacy portion)

I don't think i made the mistake changing the ownership at component level - in the component folder. Perhaps, I was sleeping...

Geoffrey Clemm commented Aug 17 '13, 12:35 a.m.

That dialog box is the "change ownership of component" dialog box.   So you must have right clicked on the component line, and therefore you were changing the owner of the component.   Were you trying to change the ownership of the stream?   If so, that isn't done by right-clicking on the stream ... you open the stream in the stream editor, and click on the "Browse" button that is next to the "Owned by" box.

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Aug 16 '13, 9:33 a.m.
Hi Daniel,

when you change the owner of the Stream the ownership of the component should not be changed.
Even when you change the ownership of your stream to a team and restrict visibility of this stream to the owning team the component won't get another owner though nobody is now able to see this component in the stream.

Could it be that you did this?
You changed the ownership / visibility of the stream to a team where the developer who wanted to work is not a member of?
In that case he is not able to see the component even when he is the owner of the component itself.

For visibility he needs both: read access to the stream and the component.

Can you please be more specific what the "SRC" is? Is it a component? A file? a folder?
Can you please give more details of what you have exactly done? Maybe some screenshots?

One more thing - you cannot change the owner of a stream to a single developer. A stream "always" belongs to a team or project area.
Changing the owner of a stream:

Only teams and Project Areas are able to own a stream

Changing owner of component:

Even members of the project area top level are able to own a component


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 16 '13, 12:44 p.m.
The GUI is a bit confusing here.
When the GUI is showing you a component in a stream context, some of the operations on that component are stream-specific (such as "compare with" and "replace with"), while most of the operations are on the component as a whole (such as "open", "rename", "change owner").
So when you invoked the "change owner" operation, you changed the owner (and therefore the read-permission/visibility) of that component in general.  

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