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BF8 Query Timeouts

TJ Renna (1111) | asked Aug 07 '13, 4:11 p.m.
In our new buildforge 8 setup, we are having issues when accessing the
Buildforge Dashboard and then accessing the Buildforge Console.  When
clicking the console, the webUI hangs for a period of time.  The database shows:

43 | build | <HOSTNAME>:60130 | build | Query | 19 | Updating | UPDATE bf_sessions SET bf_modified=1375905427,bf_expires=1375919827 WHERE bf_id='<bfuserid>

This query sometimes takes over 60seconds to return, and sometimes the query will timeout and fail.

2 answers

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Robert haig (1.0k16) | answered Aug 07 '13, 4:33 p.m.
 have you tried that query on it's own?  The only reason something like that might take that long is if it was waiting on a table lock to clear.

Are there any other queries running against bf_sessions at the time?

TJ Renna commented Aug 07 '13, 4:39 p.m.

Submitting the query directly to the database works fine.   There are no other queries against that table when this occurs, or any for that matter.

Spencer Murata commented Aug 13 '13, 3:45 p.m.

To elaborate a little more on Rob's answer, the bf_sessions table tracks who is logged in and when to clean up the session.  So this particular query is just trying to update the table to reflect that user has logged in.  The query isn't complicated and shouldn't consume any resources.  So if it takes a long time to accomplish its something on the database side that is struggling, not something with the query itself.


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Karthikeyan Narayanan (2636) | answered Mar 30 '16, 9:41 a.m.
I am running into the same issue with bf and WAS and oracle 11 g RAC db upgraded originally from
We are performed db trace and have concluded that the db lock on the table is causing the delay of the update sql statement due to a lack of commit transaction. The commit must be made by the application and we are not seeing that in the db trace logs. Could you please share your resolution as this issue is with support for the past 2 months still unresolved. Thank you

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