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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Feb 14 '13, 11:11 a.m.
edited Feb 14 '13, 11:24 a.m.
What does this line mean? The step is running on CCBUILDFORGEP01? CCBUILDFORGEP01 is our BF mgmt console server, and I used selector ccsourcewp01 and I want all steps run on ccsourcewp01. My problem is the folder "D:\Build\bldforge_JACB_BUILD\ build_logs" is not created on both servers.

 1       02/14/13 10:52AM        STEP    Step using selector 'ccsourcewp01'.
160     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Locale set to 'English_United States.1252'
327     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Performing variable expansion on command line
328     02/14/13 10:52AM        SCRIPT  ratlperl -IY: Y:\ INITLOG
329     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    start [D:\Build@CCBUILDFORGEP01]
330     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    VRM = #define VRM "r1 .  . 3 .  . 0 .  . 1"
331     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC
332     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    VRM = Vr1.0 R3.0.1
333     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    VRM = r1.3.0.1
334     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Overall -> Passed
335     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Overall Status = Passed
336     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Processing command INITLOG
337     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    retCode = 0, mkdir D:\Build\bldforge_JACB_BUILD\ build_logs
338     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    retCode = 0, mkdir D:\Build\bldforge_JACB_BUILD\ build_logs\Debug
339     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    retCode = , open D:\Build\bldforge_JACB_BUILD\ build_logs\Debug\V1.3.11_T1CR_ 130214105205_B1_build.log
340     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    Exit Code = 0
341     02/14/13 10:52AM        EXEC    end [D:\Build@CCBUILDFORGEP01]
343     02/14/13 10:52AM        RESULT  0 (0)

2 answers

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Feb 14 '13, 11:57 a.m.
 The highlighted line is the build sandbox that will run the build.  So that is the build directory specified in the Server definition.  The @ part is the hostname of the server selected to do the build.  The part I don't understand is the "not getting created on both servers".  To get parallel directory structures you would have to broadcast the step to both servers to make sure that both servers get the same directories.  Otherwise you would only generate the structure on the one server you ran the build under, and then it would only be for the build sandbox for that particular agent definition.


Jirong Hu commented Feb 15 '13, 10:03 a.m. | edited Feb 15 '13, 10:17 a.m.

The problem is obvious. The first line " STEP    Step using selector 'ccsourcewp01'." But the highlighted line says " EXEC    start [D:\Build@CCBUILDFORGEP01] "

Finally I found the host name of the server is set to CCBUILDFORGEP01 because I copied.

Spencer Murata commented Feb 15 '13, 10:08 a.m.

Really depends on the selector criteria.  Also CCBUILDFORGEP01 is the hostname not the logical Agent name, if there is a difference. 

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Feb 14 '13, 2:01 p.m.
 Thanks for your reply.

So you mean "start [D:\Build@CCBUILDFORGEP01] " means this step is running on  server CCBUILDFORGEP01This is NOT what I want. CCBUILDFORGEP01 is my BF server, and ccsourcewp01 is my actual build server and all steps should run on this build server, as the first line set by the selector.

"not getting created on both servers". I mean the directory is not created on either server. I want the directory to be created on ccsourcewp01 which is the selector.

If I set the project selector to CCBUILDFORGEP01, then it runs ok. I got this problem when change the selector to ccsourcewp01 which is my build server. So something is wrong here.


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