Problem when update manifest in server
Hi, I'm having some troubles when updating manifest on any server configured in build forge, I set up a compiler to take data such as IP address or other data but the only data that show in manifest its the following information:
Server: "MyServer1" -> Use Recopiler --> "Example" (That Configured to get data as IP ADREESS)
When refresh the manifest i get:
BF_LAST_REFRESH 1375801455
BF_LAST_UPDATE 1375801455
the IP address and other information are not reflected in manifest, and when a run a project to specific recopilator.
Next, when I run a project are not taken data collector as ip address and other..
the Build Forge`s version that I have installed is the
I would appreciate any information I can provide about, thanks.
One answer
The manifest refresh can take a while on the earlier versions of BF. The manifest refresh button on the server is actually just queuing a manifest refresh. Depending on how many servers and what sort of data is collected it can take a while for the manifest to update itself. So make sure that the collector is attached to the server and saved. If you refresh on the server, it will update when it can. For sure it should be done within 24 hours.
Thanks a lot Spencer,
The compiler was saved in the server correctly, and on several occasions wait many days to see if it was updated,
I show you a print, where you can view the current configuration.
This is the server configurated.
![Server Configuration](
This is RAMSIZE (recopiler used).
![Compiler to used](
This is the manifest
s value, after refresh and i test too after days ago.
<img alt="Manifest
s value" src="">
Thanks for any comments can you bring me,
Hard to know from that. But if the manifest is not updating, you should get the debug and see what shows up. You might need to open a PMR for deeper investigation...
Thanks for your answer, i`ll open a PMR