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Recovery of deleted Stream or Workspace

Thomas Dunnigan (13114126) | asked Jan 15 '09, 9:40 a.m.
This hasn't happened, but I believe it is a possibility, so I need to ask.
Is there a way, short of a database restore to recover a delete stream or workspace. As of now I have not found anything stating that this is possible.


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John Camelon (1.7k14) | answered Jan 15 '09, 9:58 a.m.
tdunnigan wrote:
This hasn't happened, but I believe it is a possibility, so I need to
Is there a way, short of a database restore to recover a delete stream
or workspace. As of now I have not found anything stating that this
is possible.


It is not possible. However, the components, baselines and change-sets
still exist in the repository. You could rebuild a similar workspace if
you remember what it contains.

- Create a workspace (or use one you have as a starting point).
- Add or replace all the components with the baseline that was closest
to where you believe you were at.
- Search for change sets in the repository by component, and accept
them manually into your workspace.

Hope that helps,
SCM Server

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