Creatig a Clearquest-like custom workflow in RTC

In case I would have to support the functionnalities that are actually offered in a custom Clearquest schema (similar to the Former Analyst CQ schema) within RTC, I know we can create custom workitems, custom workflows and even _if i'm correct_ customized edition views.
But what arethe things that you cannot do today in RTC 3.0.1 regarding the defintion of a workflow for a custom work item?
In case I would have to support the functionnalities that are actually offered in a custom Clearquest schema (similar to the Former Analyst CQ schema) within RTC, I know we can create custom workitems, custom workflows and even _if i'm correct_ customized edition views.
But what arethe things that you cannot do today in RTC 3.0.1 regarding the defintion of a workflow for a custom work item?