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Jazz Team server won't start

James Jewart (111) | asked Jul 23 '13, 11:32 a.m.

i have downlowded and installed the latest trial version of RTC. But when I click "Start Jazz Team Server" the application appears to begin the start process but hangs. Just says server startup in 262354 ms.

I have read other posting about running as Admin. I have Admin rights and it doesn't work. I have also had the PC Tech come over and "Run As" the PCAdmin and that doesn't seem to work.

I also have seen posting about not installing in the Program Files directory so I did that also. Still did not work.

I'm trying to do a POC to use this tool, but can't get past this point. I'm using Windows XP.


3 answers

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Mark Guertin (5867) | answered Jul 23 '13, 11:41 a.m.
Have you tried connecting to the server (http://<localhost>:9443/jts)? I see that message all the time, and the server is almost always started right away.

Alastair Beadle commented Jul 23 '13, 11:57 a.m.

I agree - on Tomcat a message something like "Server startup in xxx ms" is the normal last message and actually means "The server has started up, it took xxx ms". You need to leave that window open (closing it will kill the server again) and try accessing the server as Mark says - if it is not connecting it may be another problem - what message do you get when you try to connect?

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John Carolan (71616) | answered Jul 23 '13, 11:47 a.m.
It may be that there is insufficient memory available to support the standard settings.
The following 2 links have got some useful tips as to how to proceed:

To make sense of what you find in the logs, the Server Troubleshooting wiki is a great resource:

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jul 23 '13, 12:29 p.m.
Hello James,
Simply check your-server/logs/jts.log file. Do you have any entries there?

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