How do I create categories in JazzHub?
3 answers
There is no option to define custom categories using JazzHub currently but it is high on our radar.
Could you share your ideas how would you use categories and would be good categories examples?
Thanks for the update! I created a project for managing the images my team delivers on IBM SmartCloud Enterprise. The tasks are shared among the images, so it makes sense to have a single project. My thought was to use categories to split the tickets by the image product.
Yes, it makes sense to use categories.
Until we have option to customize categories, I suggest to use tags instead. This would allow you to validate your values for tags -> categories and later on, you could use multi-select work item option to move items to specific category.
I was able to modify the categories in my Jazz Hub Projects.
This is strange as my role is Team Member. It looks like I shouldn't have been able to do that? But I did.
However I am not able to modify my timelines! I can't change the default dates, the names or add additional iterations. I am looking at the permissions and no one is able to change the iteration structure? Or save the Project Area or modify the structure of iterations... Yet we need to do these things. Am I missing something?
This is strange as my role is Team Member. It looks like I shouldn't have been able to do that? But I did.
However I am not able to modify my timelines! I can't change the default dates, the names or add additional iterations. I am looking at the permissions and no one is able to change the iteration structure? Or save the Project Area or modify the structure of iterations... Yet we need to do these things. Am I missing something?
Hi Anthony,
You should be able to create and modify categories via JazzHub UI.
In order to modify timelines, you need to be project owner. I guess you have not created project in question, right?
The create/modify categories is on the main page of the project (when you select the project in My Projects). Not sure if you can get to it if you are not the project owner.
You have to be the project owner. But yes, once you get to it, you are good to go! Categories and Iteration start/end/names.