Birt Reports are not running
Birt Report shows error.."Internal error"
how to resolve this error any onw know ..
steps that we had done:
1.https://<repository url>:<Port>/ccm/admin/cmd/requestReset
2.restart server
some report are running but some have same error.
as we observer Java of rtc is increase to 5 GB so it impacted on report but still not sure about this..
Accepted answer
Hi Yogesh,
If you are using TOMCAT server:
- In the server.startup.bat/sh file, add the below line:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xjit:disableLoopVersioner
- Restart the Tomcat service.
If you are using WAS server:
· In the WAS console, under the JVM options (In JVM generic argument section).
Add the following argument: -Xjit:disableLoopVersioner
· Restart the WAS service.