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RPE Report template using RRC module

Irina Vaganova (4111114) | asked Jul 02 '13, 4:16 a.m.
retagged Jul 07 '13, 7:31 p.m. by Douglas Bush (28125)
 Hi, All

Is it possible to generate a RPE Report template using RRC module to get content of all requirements?
I used RPE with RRC 4.0.2 to generate report for RRC modules.
I used module to group and sorting requerements with hierarchy. 
What type of scheme should be used to get  content of all requirements which included in modules.
I want to get in report hierarchical list of requirements in module with title and text. 
when I used scheme https://server:port/rm/publish/modules?metadata=schema
I get only URI requirements contained in module, but I would like to get like something .. content/text/richTextBody/div

4 answers

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Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | answered Jul 02 '13, 4:44 a.m.
Hi Irina,

I'd suggest you check the following resources :
  • [ wiki]
  • [ wiki]
  • [4.0.3 InfoCenter]
If you're unclear on how to implement this, you could refer to the Reporting workshop:

Thanks and Regards,

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Irina Vaganova (4111114) | answered Jul 02 '13, 8:49 a.m.
 Hi, Stephane
I've read all that resources before posting request, but really I did no find any sufficient information about RPE template for modules. By the way, I try to see out-of-box-template for module in RRC but they did not work properly. .

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Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Jul 02 '13, 11:48 a.m.
 Hi Irina,
 If you want to generate a report from a module you can take a look at the printArtifact.dta report (it is used for printing to PDF and Word), this template supports any type of artifact. You will need to use the module schema to get the elements in the module, but then do something similar to this printArtifact template to get the content for each of the artifacts in the module.

FYI out of the box (OOTB) templates for module printing work very different than all of the other reports used

Irina Vaganova commented Jul 04 '13, 3:43 a.m.
Yep, I've seen that template, but it seems that it's not usefull. 
If I get module scheme as .../rm/publish/modules?metadata=schema I could see only itemId and title of binding artefact in module

If I use dynamic data source I need to configured URI by script, but in this case I could not do that because artefact content I could get only by  ...rm/publish/text?resourceURI=<URI>. But in module I did not see any ability to used such type URI for artefact.  

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Shari Heinrich (11) | answered Nov 14 '13, 12:38 p.m.

Hi, Irina,
My company is using a demo copy of RPE as a proof of concept.  My need was to print a better module report than the standard one that comes with Composer.  When I asked the IBM resources whether it was possible, the end answer was this from the engineer:  "Yes you can use RPE to create templates for RRC/DNG artifacts. Most customers base templates off of a specific view and/or collection. The key issue in context of RPE is that a module is just a group of pointers. These pointers do not expose enough information in a meaningful way for RPE to be able to do anything with them like you can do with a DOORS module."

He then supplied a link of an enhancement request in the queue

I'm not sure  how much this enh. request really covers RRC; I saw Doors prominently mentioned.

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