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Requirements to install and configure RRDI

Narayanan Potti (27037679) | asked Jun 25 '13, 10:55 p.m.

I have CLM 4.0.1 installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit, database is SQL Server 2012. Application server is WAS 8.5.

I need to install and configure RRDI to generate custom reports. I have a few questions, I would appreciate any help.

1. is it possible to install RRDI on the same VM server as JTS ?
2. Is RRDI 2.0.3 64 bit compatible with CLM 4.0.1 on Windows server 2008 64 bit ?
3. Can RRDI WAS 8.5 as application server or does it need to use Tomcat ?
4. Does RRDI need a separate database schema to generate reports ? If so I need to request SQL Server DBA to create a new database schema. 

Thank You

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Xuan Jiang (37858) | answered Jun 26 '13, 12:58 a.m.
1. is it possible to install RRDI on the same VM server as JTS ?
 Yes, the only thing you need check is make sure you have enough memory for RRDI usage
2. Is RRDI 2.0.3 64 bit compatible with CLM 4.0.1 on Windows server 2008 64 bit ?
3. Can RRDI WAS 8.5 as application server or does it need to use Tomcat ?
  RRDI should running on WAS 8.5 as application server, it doesn't support Tomcat.
4. Does RRDI need a separate database schema to generate reports ? If so I need to request SQL Server DBA to create a new database schema.
  Currently RRDI doesn't official support MS SQL 2K12. And Yes RRDI will use separate schema.

Narayanan Potti commented Jun 26 '13, 10:01 a.m.

Thanks for your assistance, Xuan. CLM JTS server in my company has 8 GB RAM and it runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Are there any recommendations or benchmarks available for RRDI server ? I need to know if I need to request for more RAM in order to install and use RRDI on this server. Any help is much appreciated.


Xuan Jiang commented Jun 26 '13, 10:13 a.m.

Narayanan - Hard to answer your question because I need to know more details (separated DB server? is there any application on that JTS?). I would suggest you can add more memory to your CLM JTS server. For RRDI, the recommendations is 8G memory configured for RRDI and OS. Hope it helps.

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