Can I associate an RRC attribute with a timeline iteration?
I am working with RRC and I see that I can define a project timeline and iterations as with RTC and RQM. Once I have created a timeline, how can I associate my artifacts to the interations? Is this possible? What data type would I need to use?
Thank you in advance and best regards,
3 answers
I've been playing around with this in 4.0.3 and I'm not sure it is possible. I won't say that it's definitely not possible, but I also didn't want to just leave you hanging waiting for an answer. You could probably achieve something similar through OSLC traceable links, e.g. create a work item in CCM and use the "Affected By", "Implemented By", or "Tracked By" link types in RRC.
Mike Jaworski
I think by definition you would use RRC for requirements management and RTC (CCM) to handle the implementation (how and when...) so you can have a work item in CCM and have it assigned to an specific iteration (you define the duration, start date, end date of it). That way you might associate a requirement to a wi (through a CLM link "Implemented by") which will be handed into an iteration/timeline.
Jared Burns
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 26 '13, 2:14 p.m.Can you clarify what you want to accomplish by associating an RRC artifact with an iteration?
Andrew Trobec
Jun 26 '13, 2:55 p.m.@jburns