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How does RRDI relate to the RTC Reportable REST APIs

Michael Taylor (8865764) | asked Jun 20 '13, 12:05 p.m.
retagged Jun 20 '13, 5:40 p.m. by Amy Laird (16514)


RTC Reportable REST APIs:


How does RRDI relate to the RTC Reportable REST APIs?  Is RRDI the same thing but with a query design interface or is RRDI different than the Reportable REST API?  Does one extend the other?  Should I consider RRDI for what I am trying to do (see below)?   If I want to construct or run an existing work item query in my project, will either do the trick?

   For more background and context of what I am trying to do, please refer to this question:

Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 20 '13, 2:49 p.m.
The REST API's access the CCM database directly.   So any time you are using the REST API's, you are putting load on the CCM server.   The REST API's are used by the "ETL" (extract/transform/load) jobs, that periodically query the CCM database to extract information from it, and then insert it into the RRDI database.  One advantage of using the RRDI database for information gathering is that it does not put load on the CCM database.
Michael Taylor selected this answer as the correct answer

Michael Taylor commented Jun 20 '13, 3:32 p.m.

Thank you.  Your answer did help me understand the two a little better.  Although I still can't identify which would be better for my need based on the functionality each offers and the maintenance involved, you have told me enough to indicate that the RRDI is a separate database and that it is not real time.  Based on that alone, I think I need to use the REST APIs for my need as I believe I need live data.

One other answer

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Jun 20 '13, 12:49 p.m.
Hi Michael,

The following links provide some details about RRDI and Reportable REST APIs:

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