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How do I support testing on parallel timelines with QM?

Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | asked Jun 14 '12, 8:25 p.m.
I am testing the Process component in builds.
I want to perform the same tests that were used when 3.0.1 shipped.
Luckily, there is a test plan that contains the tests: Process Test Plan. That plan is currently being used to test the 4.0.x builds.
So, I created a snapshot and then made a copy of the plan. I named the copy Process 3.0.x.x Test Plan and I set the timeline to the 3.0.x.x timeline.
Now, I want to create TERs for the test cases and begin testing. When I try to generate TERs, I run into the following:
 -- The button for generating TERs is only enabled if I select every test case. This less than ideal because different test cases require different platforms. (For instance, some should be run with a web browser and some with the Eclipse client).
 -- In the dialog for creating TERs, there is a selection for the test plan associated with the TERs. I want to set this to the Process 3.0.x.x Test Plan, but it does not show up. The original test plan (Process Test Plan) is the only choice.

My questions are:
1. Is there a way to generate TERs for a subset of the test cases? (I know this works in the Process Test Plan, but it does not in the Process 3.0.x.x Test Plan).
2. How do I associate generated TERs with the Process 3.0.x.x Test Plan?
3. Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there a better way to support testing code from parallel timelines?

2 answers

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Jason Sholl (761) | answered Jun 19 '12, 4:10 p.m.
Initially, after running through the steps, I couldn't generate any TERs.  Then I noticed that each Test Case inside the Test Plan was also a snapshot.  I readded all the Test Cases and then removed the snapshotted Test Cases and was then able to create TERs for Test Cases regardless of whether I selected one, some, or all of them.

Martha (Ruby) Andrews commented Jun 19 '12, 4:29 p.m.

Thanks, Jason. If I re-add the test cases and don't use the snapshots, when the test scripts change, the changes will be reflected. This is not great for my scenario, since I want the tests to stay as they are, even though they may need to change in the mainline as the code evolves there.

If I don't use test case snapshots, I guess my other choice is that mainline development adds a new test script rather than modifying the existing one if steps change in a test case.

Is that my only choice?

thanks, Martha

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Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Jun 18 '12, 3:05 p.m.
This seemed to work for me but I didn't make a copy of a snapshot. 

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