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setting up Testing Phases

Soujanya Sri (1256) | asked Jun 17 '13, 3:53 p.m.
retagged Jun 22 '13, 2:17 p.m. by Lisa Caten (342913)


For every release we are follwoing the below Process steps for RQM.

1. Create Duplicate of the previous release Test Plan, along with Test cases & Attach the requirement collection links

2. Change the attribute of the test cases in the test plan to reflect to the new release and create Execution records for all.

Question: We will execute the test cases some times twice if we have to do regression twice, we will execute the same set of test cases twice for the same release, and we would like to document these also in RQM.

When i am creating Execution records, can i select a different Test Phase and create test cases set with Regression 1 and same set of test cases with regression 2? So when it's time to execute the test cases, we willl pick the test execution record and run them depending on regression 1 or regression 2?

So in the Test Execution records i will have the same set of test cases twice, one with Regression 1 and other with Regression2.

Is this process correct ? Please let me know if we have an another way of doing this.


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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 18 '13, 3:29 p.m.
Yes.  You would reuse the same test suites/cases/scripts and create new test case/suite execution records for each regression.  In RQM, your project can have a timeline with a hierarchy of iterations.  The top-level iteration represents a release and the child iterations represent milestones within the release.  For more information, see

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