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Tables in RICALM schema?

Jill Davies (241417) | asked Jun 11 '13, 10:13 a.m.


I'm trying to get Insight to pull data from CLM v4 and I'm using the following instructions:

It's telling me that I need to run the JTS setup wizard to add the CALM tables to the datawarehouse.

However, we have a complex setup where

1. the CLM server is on an environment outside of our control and

2. we have multiple Data Warehouses, not all of which relate to the CLM environment.  We don't necessarily want to specify any one DW as the "default".

Is there any way in which we can add the CALM tables without using the JTS setup wizard?

Also, if we DO use the JTS setup wizard, what would be the implication of running it multiple times to install the tables into each of our DWs?

NB. Most of our Insight reports are bespoke and don't use the CALM tables anyway.

Thanks, Jill

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Josh Crawford (984615) | answered Jun 11 '13, 11:55 a.m.
 Hi Jill,  you don't necessarily have to use the JTS setup page but you will need to run repotools -createWarehouse at some point.

How many JTS's do you have in your environment?  As far as CLM is concerned there should only be 1 DW per JTS and all registered applications (CCM, RM, QM)

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