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CCM log IllegalArgumentException: Resource does not exist: x

Vince Thyng (13724153) | asked Jun 08 '13, 6:01 p.m.
I keep seeing these messages periodically in the CCM log

2013-06-08 14:51:49,277 [              WebContainer : 8] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.servlets.JavascriptServlet            - GET https://<server>:9443/ccm/web/_js/
?exclude=A~C~E~F~G~H~I~J~K~L~X~Y~Z~a~b~c~d~e~x& Host = <server>:9443
HEADER: User-Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0
HEADER: Accept = */*
HEADER: Accept-Language = en-US,en;q=0.5
HEADER: Accept-Encoding = gzip, deflate
HEADER: Connection = keep-alive
HEADER: Referer = https://<server>:9443/ccm/web/projects/ICM
HEADER: Cookie = JazzFormAuth=Form; net-jazz-ajax-cookie-rememberUserId=; JSESSIONID=000...:-1; LtpaToken2=Abv...Q==; JSESSIONID_LC_Cell02=0000DBmCjoEvw73aoaWmIOUmlJv:175s01coj:175rvedlt:175s0cugi; LtpaToken2=6vV...9C9; ibmSurvey=1370709675667; mmcore.tst=0.520; mmid=-1524635475%7CAgAAAAqPuiYOLgkAAA%3D%3D; mmcore.pd=931346810%7CAgAAAAoBQo+6Jg4uCd6kzBYBAGsDBiF+MtBIFnczLWNvbm5lY3Rpb25zLmlibS5jb20LAAAAdxiGH34y0EgAAAAA/////wAuCQEAAAAAAAIAAAAAAP///////////////wAAAAAAAUU%3D; mmcore.srv=cg3.use; UnicaNIODID=dgsy8T3u5mJ-YIL0HVD
Parameter: locale = [en-us]
Parameter: include = []
Parameter: _proxyURL = [/ccm]
Parameter: exclude = [A~C~E~F~G~H~I~J~K~L~X~Y~Z~a~b~c~d~e~x]

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource does not exist: x
    at net.jazz.ajax.model.Resource.resolve(

I see variations of the letter mentioned of which resource does not exist.  I saw a similar post about this kind of error, but that has a custom component name instead of a letter.  And I have confirmed that the solution mentioned was already turned on in the Advanced settings:

One answer

permanent link
Marek Siekierski (817510) | answered Aug 30 '13, 12:00 p.m.
I have seen this error associated with some symptoms in loading certain plans in certain project areas. It is intermittent, and most cases a refresh makes the error in the Web UI go away. Please refer to:

which refers to

There where "invalid plan modes" inside the process configuration. Deleting them fixed the problem. 

How to resolve:
- Opening the "Project Area" in Eclipse by right clicking it and choosing "open". 
- choose "Process Configuration" 
- expand "Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Planning" and open Plan Modes (unconfigured) 
- mark "Invalid Plan Modes" and click on delete 
- click on save

Let me know if this helps.

Vince Thyng commented Sep 03 '13, 5:19 p.m.

Thanks Marek.  I really appreciate the instructions on how to solve.  I am not seeing anything obvious as an invalid plan.  Would it say something like "Work Breakdown (Invalid)" ?
I did notice that there are several identical records listed such as 7 named Work Breakdown and the same Identifier:

Would this cause it or indicate an invalid plan?

I am reading through the 2 work items mentioned right now...

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