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Linking newly created template with RQM

archana kurup (2026972) | asked Jun 08 '13, 1:59 a.m.
retagged Jun 11 '13, 9:22 a.m. by Max Bridges (24126)
I have created one template  in IBM CONOS 8. I want to link it with RQM 3.0.1?

3 answers

permanent link
Jun Wang (6077) | answered Jun 08 '13, 9:50 p.m.
If you want integrate RRDI with RQM 3.0.1 and configure the RRDI with CLM, please refer to

If you would like to import your created Cognos-based reports into RQM web, please refer to

permanent link
archana kurup (2026972) | answered Jun 10 '13, 12:20 a.m.
site is not available...

permanent link
archana kurup (2026972) | answered Jun 11 '13, 3:46 a.m.
I have checked with the second site..As per that,i went to Import custom report from REPORTS->VIEW REPORTS.But when i clicked on the browse button it's showing unable to connect with rational reporting server...Why it's happening?

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