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[closed] Got an error message? Look it up in the messages information center.

Laura W. Hinson (16126) | asked Jun 06 '13, 12:43 p.m.
retagged Jun 13 '13, 9:58 a.m. by Tory Jaskoviak (52015)
If you are working in a product that is part of the Rational solution for CLM or Design Management and you get an error or warning message that has an ID, you can search for the message ID in the new messages information center on

Many messages in the information center contain details that you can use to troubleshoot problems. If a message does not help you solve a problem, you can leave feedback about the message by using the commenting area below each message. The comments are monitored, and the feedback that you provide can help Jazz developers improve messages.

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Other" by svandijk Jun 06 '13, 2:00 p.m.