How to use ibm BluePage Photos for RTC users
2 answers
It is not currently possible to import the LDAP photos into RTC
automatically. Enhancement 53877 is open to track the status of that
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-12-15 at 07:27 +0000, wangjq wrote:
automatically. Enhancement 53877 is open to track the status of that
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-12-15 at 07:27 +0000, wangjq wrote:
I have configed Jazz Server to use LDAP authentication:
User Property Names Mapping :
My question is how to config Jazz Server using Bluepages photo
It is not currently possible to import the LDAP photos into RTC
Could I force the photo uploads with a POST action via
Well, I try this to upload photos and it works:
SET _photoFileLocation=./sample.jpg
curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -F "photoFileLocation=@%_photoFileLocation%" -# http://localhost:9080/jazz/service/
But when I try to save this edit action (with JSON):
curl -k -L -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: text/json" -d photoLocation=%_photoLocation% -d photoSize=%_photoSize% -d photoContentType=%_photoContentType% -d photoChecksum=%_photoChecksum% -# http://%_host_with_port%/jazz/service/
I got response:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().
Thanks in advance.
Enhancement 53877 is open to track the status of that suggestion
Glad to hear it.