How to make Track and Plan section default to project dashboard?

It would be really great to have this section go directly to the project dashboard as the landing page. This way I can customize the important parts of the project for tracking and planning purposes. Today, it appears to be navigating to the workitems landing page instead.
Is there any way I can change this for my jazzhub project?
Is there any way I can change this for my jazzhub project?
Accepted answer

Hi Chris. In a nutshell, no, you cannot change the landing page as a setting. The project dashboard was the landing page up until last week. We had some negative feedback about this because the current default dashboard for the project isn't particularly useful. For the interim we switched the landing page to Work items welcome page because there are clear actions here to create work items and search or create queries. Our objective was to get people productive, quickly.
Once we put more thought into a better, more useful set of dashboard widgets for a JazzHub default project, we will switch back. Or, we may create a more customized Track and Plan landing page that encompasses clear actions for all 3 capabilities.
In the dashboard context, which widgets do you think would be most useful for your project?
Once we put more thought into a better, more useful set of dashboard widgets for a JazzHub default project, we will switch back. Or, we may create a more customized Track and Plan landing page that encompasses clear actions for all 3 capabilities.
In the dashboard context, which widgets do you think would be most useful for your project?

I thought this had changed recently. :-)
I was using the dashboard as a place to put informative widgets (what the project is about, etc.) but I was also planning to add widgets with certain project stats that I thought would be interesting to casual viewers of my project (e.g. releases, builds, workitem burn down).
Ideally, there would be some way to put these on the main project page as well but the dashboard seemed like a reasonable alternative for now.