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Force planned for to "unassigned" for non team mem

Mike Mallo (2676) | asked Dec 12 '08, 12:46 p.m.
I'm looking to see if we can reduce the available fields during work item creation to only be "unassigned" if the creator is not on the team that is identified by the filed against field.

The goal is people creating work items on their own teams can create work items with the correct planned for to be the current or future iterations. However we want to reduce the ability for people on other teams or outside our project from being able to select any available iteration in the planned for field during work item creation. We are seeing
people create work items on older iterations we are no longer monitoring and are getting "lost".

I see the permissions to "modify" the planned for field can be set on a team level, but don't see any way to restrict this at work item creation time.

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Dec 13 '08, 5:28 a.m.
I'm looking to see if we can reduce the available fields during work
item creation to only be "unassigned" if the creator is not
on the team that is identified by the filed against field.

This is a frequent request and tracked in

The goal is people creating work items on their own teams can create
work items with the correct planned for to be the current or future
iterations. However we want to reduce the ability for people on
other teams or outside our project from being able to select any
available iteration in the planned for field during work item
creation. We are seeing
people create work items on older iterations we are no longer
monitoring and are getting "lost".

I see the permissions to "modify" the planned for field can
be set on a team level, but don't see any way to restrict this at
work item creation time.

Those permissions are also enforced at creation time. Have you tried this
and it didn't work?

Jazz Work Item Team

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