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RRC/RTC 4.0.1 Creating Work Items from RRC Artifacts.

We are creating work items from RRC artifacts via collections. The collection is them implemented by a plan.
If the RRC artifact is created as a 'Requirement Specification' type, RTC will not see the RRC artifact, it is not availble to create a work item from. If the RRC artifact is created as a 'Feature' type, RTC can see the artifact and a work item can be created.
Is this a set up issue? Should I be able to create work items from an RRC Requirement Specification type artifacts?
2 answers

I have tried your scenario and it looks like a bug. I will open a workitem and then post the link here. I don't see anything that explains why you should not be able to do this.
I also tried linking a collection that had a requirement spec type artifact to a test plan in QM and then tried to reconcile the requirements, but it would not display the requirement spec type artifacts.

Thanks for the response.
I tried changing the defaualt format via the Project Properties page. I found that a Requirement Spec type with a format of Module cannot be used to create a work item from.
If I change the format to something else i.e. Text or User Interface sketch then I can create a work item from a Requirement Spec type.
Not sure if this is a bug or not.

This is the defect I entered. https://jazz.net/jazz03/web/projects/Requirements%20Management#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=75545
Len, when you say you cannot create a workitem from a requirement spec when it is a module, in what context do you try to do this? When it is part of a collection or just by itself? I think if it is by itself, and you try to create an Implemented By link to a RTC workitem you will be allowed. If you are not, let me know please.

Rosa Naranjo
How did this Requiremente Specification type come to exist in RRC? Is this a custom type you created? If not, what type of RRC project template did you use? For example, Agile, Traditional, Use Case, etc.
Also, you need to provide more info as to the scenario you are following? How are you creating workitems from RRC artifacts exactly? What do you mean by 'RTC can see the artifact and workitem can be created'? This is needed for me to understand what exactly you are trying to do with the tool and where.
Len Stockdale
May 29 '13, 4:19 a.m.Rosa
Thanks for the response.
We are using the traditional template. As far as I know the Requirement Specification is not a custom type.
We created the artifact by accessing RRC. There is then an option to create an RRC artifact. We have options to create an artifact as a 'Feature' or 'Requirement Specification' type.
We created both 'Feature' and 'Requirement Specification' type artifacts. The artifacts were then added to a Release Collection. This collection was then 'Implemented By' a plan.
In RTC we accessed the Links tab for the plan. The collection was available but we could only see one RRC artifact in the plan and not the two were expecting. The 'Feature' type was available and not the 'Requirement Specification' type. We therefore could only create work items from the 'Feature' type RRC artifact.
Hope this helps.
Rosa Naranjo
Do you care what type of format is used for your Requirements Spec Artifact type? If you change the default format of this artifact type via the Project properties page, you will then be allowed to see all your artifacts in the collection from the development plan.