Issue regarding RRC project Area collection REST API
I am facing issue in using project area collection REST API via code(POST and GET both). I am using the form based authentication but I am not able to authenticate successfully.
while same steps is working for retrieving single project area details.
Step1: Requesting https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas/<projectKey>
Step2: If not authenticated then posting login form using https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/j_security_check>
Step3: Requesting https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas/<projectKey> again
I am follwing same steps for posting project area and getting all project areas but it is not working for me from code..same is working for me via firefox REST client..
Ajay Gera
3 answers
I did some code changes as my requirement is different from example04(as i need to create project area in /rm not in /ccm and adding memebers to existing/new project area). but still not working for me.
For Posting project Area I am doing following steps:
Step 1: Http post to https://<server>:<port>/rm/processProxy?uri=https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas
Step2: if authentication required then posting request to https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/j_security_check
Step 3: Http post to https://<server>:<port>/rm/processProxy?uri=https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas
Getting Request Timed out Error
For Adding Members in project Area I am doing following steps:
Step 1: Http post to https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas/<projectKey>/members
Step2: if authentication required then posting request to https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/j_security_check
Step 3: Http post to https://<server>:<port>/jts/process/project-areas/<projectKey>/members
Getting 200 Ok back but members is not posting to project area.
I have tried same XML via Firefox REST Client. It is working fine for me.