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Issues with Rhapsody 7.6.1 and RPE 1.2

Joe Gariano (8813137) | asked May 16 '13, 12:22 p.m.
My company is upgrading from Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) to 1.2.  We are testing out an existing RPE template that pulls content from a Rhapsody model.  The version of Rhapsody we're using is  The RPE template worked in version, but is failing in 1.2.  The Rhapsody application server is complaining of an exception, which appears to be causing the document generation to fail in RPE.

Note that RPE gives me the option to either use the template with the old features, or with the new 1.2 features.  The error is occurring in either case.

Also note that if I strip down the template to a few sections, I can sometimes get it to work.  But not consistently (e.g. a stripped down template will work on the first generation, but will fail on a subsequent generation).

Included below is DOS window output showing the Rhapsody application server error messages, as well as the RPE console output error messages.

Any help on this is much appreciated.


Rhapsody application server DOS output:
2013-05-16 09:07:08.608::WARN:  /Rational/Rhapsody/com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RhapsodyRuntimeException: Object is not connected to server
        at com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RPCollection.setSizeNative(Native Method)
        at com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RPCollection.setSize(Unknown Source)
        at (Unknown Source)
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
        at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

RPE console output:
CRRPE1064I Starting run...
CRRPE1064I Processing document template 1 of 1.
CRRPE1064I Using URL: http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/?fields=Projects/Project/Packages/Package/(name%7CUseCaseDiagrams/UseCaseDiagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7CUseCases/UseCase%7CPackages/Package/(label%7Cname%7CUseCaseDiagrams/UseCaseDiagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7CUseCases/UseCase/(descriptionText%7Cname))).
CRRPE3120I The cache files are located in the C:\Users\p55539\AppData\Local\Temp\RPE\temp\url_d8f58b8a-6b49-4d8f-915f-27a7f0788686.tmp directory.
CRRPE3107I The XML data source file:/C:/Users/p55539/AppData/Local/Temp/RPE/temp/url_d8f58b8a-6b49-4d8f-915f-27a7f0788686.tmp is loading.
CRRPE1064I Using URL: http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/?fields=Projects/Project/Packages/Package/(name%7CBlock_Definition_Diagrams/Block_Definition_Diagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7Cblocks/block/(descriptionText%7Cname)).
CRRPE1064I Cannot access http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/. Verify that URL, user name and password are correct. Error is: Server response code 500 for http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/?fields=Projects/Project/Packages/Package/(name%7CBlock_Definition_Diagrams/Block_Definition_Diagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7Cblocks/block/(descriptionText%7Cname))
500: Object is not connected to server
CRRPE1064I Failed to configure data source Rhapsody SysML with http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/.
CRRPE3320E Failed to configure data source Rhapsody SysML with http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/.
CRRPE1064I Error in engine

Server response code 500 for http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/?fields=Projects/Project/Packages/Package/(name%7CBlock_Definition_Diagrams/Block_Definition_Diagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7Cblocks/block/(descriptionText%7Cname))
500: Object is not connected to server

CRRPE3011E IBM Rational Publishing Engine error.
Server response code 500 for http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody/?fields=Projects/Project/Packages/Package/(name%7CBlock_Definition_Diagrams/Block_Definition_Diagram/(label%7CdescriptionText%7Cname%7CPictures/Picture/(path))%7Cblocks/block/(descriptionText%7Cname))
500: Object is not connected to server
CRRPE1064I Aborting engine execution...
CRRPE3094I 292 publishing commands are processed. 0 publishing commands remain to be processed.
CRRPE3097I The document template is processed. If there are no more templates to process, output files are being written.
CRRPE1064I Document generation finished in 2 seconds.
CRRPE1022I The process was completed in 2.596 seconds.
CRRPE1023E The document could not be generated.

One answer

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Manoj sajjan (19516) | answered Apr 27 '16, 6:11 a.m.
Open the Rhapsody model as a administrator and mean while you start the rhapsody server also as a administrator.

Open the Rhapsody model as a user and mean while you start the rhapsody server also as a user.

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