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error in Requirements Management

samir cherbani (1111) | asked May 14 '13, 9:51 a.m.
 hello every body

when i try to  create un new artifact on jazz requirements management i got this  error 

ID CRRRW7323E  Le formulaire de création d'artefact n'a pas pu être chargé en raison d'une erreur.
Cannot read property 'length' of null

CRRRW7323E The creation form artifact could not be loaded due to an error.
Can not read property 'length' of null

Fabian Lomeli commented May 14 '13, 5:50 p.m.

It seems there may be something weird with the artifact type you are creating of.
Is there any problem when viewing the properties on the artifact type?
Can you provide the jts and rm log files?

Also I am not clear about what tool and version you are using to recreate this problem.  Can you specify?

2 answers

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samir cherbani (1111) | answered May 15 '13, 3:56 a.m.
 hello fabian 

thank you for your reply.

1- i can't see the artifact type i don't know why i think it's because of my internet flow 

where can i find the  jts and rm  files (i'm using the web interface)

i'm using requirement manager  on the sendbox jazz 


My-An Nguyen commented May 15 '13, 4:51 p.m.

Which sandbox are you using? sandbox01 (version 4.0.3 RC1) or sandbox02 (version 4.0.2)?

What exactly are you clicking on to try to create the artifact? And at what stage do you see the error?

Also, which browser are you using?

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samir cherbani (1111) | answered May 16 '13, 4:15 a.m.
 Hello My-An-Nguyen

i'm using sandbox01

i'm  clicking on create new artifacte and i got the error on the top  of the form


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